
In this section, you will find more about Horusec’s main concepts.


Vulnerability means a security breach in the project and can cause some damage to the system or the organization. Horusec can identify 6 types of security breaches:

  1. Critical
  2. High
  3. Medium
  4. Low
  5. Info
  6. Unknown

False positive

It happens when you declare that security breaches found in a safe code don’t represent any risk to your application.

In this case, the vulnerability is a false positive.

For example, a test file that you want to know if the URL connecting to the database is being assembled correctly. In this case the URL would be:

conn := "postgresql://root:root@postgresql:5432/horusec_db?sslmode=disable"

Here, Horusec tells you that a ‘‘Password found in a hardcoded URL". It is a test file, therefore a ‘controlled environment’ - you can say it is a false positive vulnerability.

Accepted risk

When you declare being aware of a vulnerability in a safe code after the analysis and you want to take risks over it. You decide to move on to the next step.

For example, you have a file that has been detected to log in a sensitive information. See:

log.Info("User logged with CPF: " + cpf_user)

It will acknowledge it has found a “No Log Sensitive Information”. You have 2 options:

  1. This change can be done at the moment;
  2. You can say it is an accepted risk until a correction can be done.

SAST x DAST x IAST differences

SAST (Static Application Security Testing)

The SAST analyzes the source code of the systems. Tests are usually performed before the system is in production and only in the source code.

DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)

The DAST tests exposed interfaces for vulnerabilities. DAST is great for finding externally visible vulnerabilities.

It is a tool recommended to find vulnerabilities externally visible. The URL to be tested is enough to perform the test or the binary to be executed. DAST depends on a specialist to write, it makes it difficult to scale, but once written it can be 100% automated.

IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing)

IAST is the combination of static and dynamic test models (SAST and DAST) and it has better results.

IAST has an option to perform together with a security analyst, it is the best type of test in terms of false-positive rate, due to human interaction.

It is a complete tool because there are some bugs that can only be confirmed with both the test results: in the source code and the analysis of the artifact. It also can perform a behavior analysis in the memory.

Last modified April 20, 2021: Fix glossary (#50) (6bbf2ab)