How to add security tools to Horusec?

In this section, you will find how to add security tools to Horusec.

Adding one security tool

Horusec works as a centralized analysis tool using different vulnerabilitie’s scans. You can also add one, if you prefer.

You must follow these steps in case you want to add one:

Step 1: Create a Docker image

Horusec uses docker to run the analysis tools, which avoids configuration and environment problems. So all tools used have their respective docker images.

This image must have the desired tool installed. The output of this container should be as clean as possible, or a JSON with the vulnerabilities found.

They are separated by language, as in the example horuszup/horusec-go.

If the tool you want to add is in a language that Horusec already has an image, you only need to add it to the existing dockerfile.

See how on the example below:

FROM python:alpine

RUN pip install flawfinder

Step 2: Create a Formatter and Config

For each docker image, it is necessary to have a configuration file. The formatter is the code responsible for getting the container output and transforming it into the Horusec standard object, adding the workdir configuration and getting the commit author.

The config file has commands that will be executed inside the container to analyse the code.

See the example below of a config container:

const CMD = `
		flawfinder --minlevel 0 --columns --singleline --dataonly --context --csv . > /tmp/result-ANALYSISID.csv
		cat /tmp/result-ANALYSISID.csv
  • It is necessary that the code will executed on the container that has {{WORK_DIR}} on its beginning. This section will replaced by a specific path on the project that will be analysed if the user want to.

  • Create a code that will read the container output and transforming it on the Horusec pattern format.

  • All formats must follow the pattern and implement a IFormatter interface on the interface.go file.

The example can be found on the path below:


Step 3: Update Enums

You will also need to add a new item to the tool name in the tool’s enum. If it is a language that is not yet supported, it will also be necessary to add it to the enum of languages.

See the steps below to update:

  1. The tool’s enum can be found on this path:
  1. Add a new image to the image’s enum, that can be found on the path:
  1. Add the name of a new tool on the tool’s enum. If it is a language that Horusec doesn’t support, it is necessary to add these languages to enum. See the path to add:

Step 4: Calling Formatter

After finishing the formatter implementation, you have to call the analyzer controller function.

See the path:


Is it a new language?

If yes, it will be necessary to create a new function. See the example below:

func (a *Analyser) detectVulnerabilityHCL(projectSubPath string) {
  go hcl.NewFormatter(a.formatterService).StartHCLTfSec(projectSubPath)

You can also add a new language to the map containing the mapDetectVulnerabilityByLanguage function. See the example:

func (a *Analyser) mapDetectVulnerabilityByLanguage() map[languages.Language]func(string) {
	return map[languages.Language]func(string){
		languages.HCL: a.detectVulnerabilityHCL,

Is it an existing language?

If it is, just add a call for a new formatter on the detectVulnerability existing function.

See how it was before you add it:

func (a *Analyser) detectVulnerabilityJavascript(projectSubPath string) {
	go yarnaudit.NewFormatter(a.formatterService).StartJavascriptYarnAudit(projectSubPath)

See after you’ve added:

func (a *Analyser) detectVulnerabilityJavascript(projectSubPath string) {
	go yarnaudit.NewFormatter(a.formatterService).StartJavascriptYarnAudit(projectSubPath)
	go npmaudit.NewFormatter(a.formatterService).StartJavascriptNpmAudit(projectSubPath)

Step 5: Updating validations

Now, to finish, it is necessary update Horusec’s validations. When you receive a server analysis, you must check if the tools and languages sent are valid.

See the path:


In the analysis.go file look for:

  • Th sliceTools and sliceLanguages functions.

  • Now add a new tool or language on the interface’s array according to what was added previously on the enums.

Last modified April 7, 2021: documentation review (#43) (3e6fbbe)