
In this section, you will find more information about what kind of tools Horusec-CLI uses in the analysis.


Horusec identifies the languages in your project and from that starts an analysis. You can also configure which language/tool you want to perform in your analysis, just change it in the configuration.

Horusec knows the resources available in your machine to perform an analysis in your CI/CD stack, and because of that it scales the amount of tools it runs simultaneously to deliver quicker results.

Horusec’s tools

CLI’s version corresponds to the tools' version created by Horusec’s team.

See below:

Tools Version
Horusec-Leaks v2.7.1
Horusec-Java v2.7.1
Horusec Kotlin v2.7.1
Horusec-Kubernetes v2.7.1
Horusec-NodeJS v2.7.1
Horusec-CSharp v2.7.1
Horusec Dart v2.7.1
Horusec Nginx v2.7.1
Horusec Swift v2.7.1

Available programming languages and tools

Currently, Horusec can select the languages ​​and/or tools to be used on the project based on the available stack.

See below these languages, the analysis tools and which version they are available:

Language Analysis Tools Availability
Python Bandit, Safety, Semgrep, Owasp Dependency Check (v2.2) and Trivy. Version 2.0
Ruby Brakeman, Bundler Audit, Owasp Dependency Check (v2.2) and Trivy. v2.0
Javascript/Typescript Npm Audit, Yarn Audit, Semgrep, [HorusecNodeJS, Owasp Dependency Check (v2.2), EsLint and Trivy v2.0
GoLang Gosec, Semgrep, Nancy (v.2.2.1) and Trivy. v2.0
C# SecuriyCodeScan, HorusecCSharp, Owasp Dependency Check (v2.2), DotNet CLI (v2.2) and Trivy. v2.0
Java HorusecJava, Owasp Dependency Check (v2.2), Semgrep and Trivy. v2.0
Kotlin HorusecKotlin v2.0
Kubernetes HorusecKubernetes 2.0
Terraform Tfsec and Checkov. v2.0
Leaks HorusecLeaks v2.0
Leaks (optional search in git history) GitLeaks v2.0
PHP Semgrep, PHP Code Scan and Trivy. v2.0
C/C++ Semgrep and Flawfinder v2.0
HTML Semgrep v2.0
JSON Semgrep v2.0
Dart HorusecDart v2.0
Shell Script Shellcheck v2.0
Elixir Mix Audit and Sobelow v2.0
Nginx HorusecNginx v2.0
Swift HorusecSwift v2.1

Available version on Horusec-CLI

Tools Version
Bandit Version: 1.7.0
Brakeman v5.1.1
Bundler Audit v0.9.0
Checkov v2.0.474
DotNet CLI v5.0
Flawfinder v2.0.19
GoSec v2.8.1
GitLeaks v7.6.1
MixAudit v1.0.0
Nancy v1.0.22
NpmAudit v6.14.7
Owasp Dependency Check v6.2.2
PHP Code Sniffer v8.0.11
Safety v1.10.3
Security Code Scan v5.2.2
Semgrep v0.63.0
Sobelow v0.11.1
ShellCheck v0.7.2
TFSec v0.55.1
Trivy v0.19.2
YarnAudit v1.22.5

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