
In this section, you will find information about Horusec-Auth service.

What is it?

Horusec-Auth is responsible for the user’s management, authentication and access to the platform.

Types of authentication

Horusec has 3 types of authentication:

  1. Native Horusec
  2. LDAP
  3. Keycloak

1. Native Horusec

This is the simplest authentication, because it is Horusec’s default.


This authentication uses the open application’s protocol LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). It allows Horusec to integrate a tool like OpenLDAP where all the users, access groups and organizations are.

Horusec will consume the tool’s data and then the other functionalities will be managed, like analysis cases, vulnerabilities management, repository and access token.

3. Keycloak

This one uses Keycloak only as an Auth(authenticator). If you want to integrate with Google and Facebook, it is the best option.


To locally run this service, you will need:

  • PostgreSQL (with the migration applied);
  • RabbitMQ (only if the broker is enabled);
  • Keycloak service (only if your authentication type is keycloak);
  • LDAP service (only if the authentication type is Ldap);
  • Golang.


Step 1: Install dependencies:

go get ./...

Step 2: Run the service with the command below:

go run ./auth/cmd/app/main.go

It will return this log:

service running on port :8006
swagger running on url:  http://localhost:8006/swagger/index.html

Environment variables

These are the environment variables you can configure in this service:

Environment Name Default Value Description
HORUSEC_SWAGGER_HOST localhost This environment variable gets which swagger host will be available.
HORUSEC_DATABASE_SQL_URI postgresql://root:root@localhost:5432/horusec_db?sslmode=disable This environment variable gets the URI to connect to POSTGRES database.
HORUSEC_DATABASE_SQL_LOG_MODE false This environment variable gets the value to enable POSTGREs logs.
HORUSEC_PORT 8006 This environment variable gets the port the service will start.
HORUSEC_DISABLED_EMAILS false This environment variable validates if the email service is enabled or not.
HORUSEC_BROKER_HOST This environment variable gets a host to connect to RABBITMQ broker.
HORUSEC_BROKER_PORT 5672 This environment variable gets the port to connect to RABBITMQ broker.
HORUSEC_BROKER_USERNAME guest This environment variable gets the user name to connect to RABBITMQ broker.
HORUSEC_BROKER_PASSWORD guest This environment variable gets the password to connect to RABBITMQ broker.
HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE horusec This environment variable gets if the authentication type can be among horusec, ldap, keycloak
HORUSEC_JWT_SECRET_KEY horusec-secret This environment variable gets the JWT secret key. This key will be chosen only once and serves as a basis for encryption, so it needs to be strong text to ensure the safety of your application.(Required only if you are using HORUSEC_JWT_SECRET_KEY).
HORUSEC_KEYCLOAK_BASE_PATH This environment variable gets the Keycloak base path(required only if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=keycloak)
HORUSEC_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID This environment variable gets Keycloak’s client_id (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=keycloak)
HORUSEC_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET This environment variable gets Keycloak’s client_secret (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=keycloak)
HORUSEC_KEYCLOAK_REALM This environment variable gets Keycloak’s realm (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=keycloak)
HORUSEC_KEYCLOAK_OTP This environment variable gets Keycloak’s otp(disposable passwords) (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=keycloak)
HORUSEC_LDAP_HOST This environment variable gets LDAP’s host (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_LDAP_PORT 389 This environment variable gets LDAP’s port (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_LDAP_BASE This environment variable gets LDAP’s base (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_LDAP_BINDDN This environment variable gets LDAP’s entity admin (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_LDAP_BINDPASSWORD This environment variable gets LDAP’s entity admin password (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_LDAP_USERFILTER (sAMAccountName=%s) This environment variable gets LDAP’s user filter(only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_LDAP_ADMIN_GROUP This environment variable gets LDAP’s admin groups names (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_LDAP_USESSL false This environment variable gets LDAP’s SSL (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_LDAP_SKIP_TLS true This environment variable gets if it is to ignore tls on LDAP(only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_LDAP_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY true This environment variable gets if it is to ignore LDAP’s insecurity verification (only required if you are using HORUSEC_AUTH_TYPE=ldap)
HORUSEC_GRPC_PORT 8007 This environment variable gets GRPC’s port
HORUSEC_GRPC_USE_CERTS false This environment variable gets if the certificate use is enabled or not on GRPC
HORUSEC_GRPC_CERT_PATH This environment variable gets the GRPC certificate path
HORUSEC_GRPC_KEY_PATH This environment variable gets GRPC certificate key path
HORUSEC_DEFAULT_USER_DATA {"username": "dev", "email":"", "password":"Devpass0*"} When the default user is enabled, you need to create a default user. Don’t forget to perform the JSON escape in the enviroment variable value.
HORUSEC_ENABLE_DEFAULT_USER true Validates if the default user is enabled or not in the platform. When the application starts, it will automatically create a new user.
HORUSEC_ENABLE_APPLICATION_ADMIN false This environment variable gets if you need an active application admins on the system. When this variable is configured true only admin users can create Horusec workspace.
HORUSEC_APPLICATION_ADMIN_DATA {"username": "horusec-admin", "email":"", "password":"Devpass0*"} When the application admin is enabled, you need to create a default application admin user. Don’t forget to perform the json leakage on the environment variable value.
HORUSEC_MANAGER_URL http://localhost:8043 This environment variable gets where horusec-manager service link is to send on the e-mail triggers.
HORUSEC_AUTH_URL http://localhost:8006 This environment variable gets the service’s URL Horusec-Auth. It is used when is necessary to confirm the user’s email, recently created in the platform.

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Last modified August 13, 2021: Changes in the documentation (#105) (89d826da)