How to setup a Horusec tool?

In this section, you will find how to configure a Horusec tool.

Configuring a tool

Horusec provides only one option for you to configure the tools that it runs when the analysis starts, see:

    "horusecCliCustomImages": {
        "c": "",
        "csharp": "",
        "elixir": "",
        "generic": "",
        "go": "",
        "hcl": "",
        "javascript": "",
        "leaks": "",
        "php": "",
        "python": "",
        "ruby": "",
        "shell": ""
    "horusecCliToolsConfig": {
    "Bandit": {
        "istoignore": false
    "Brakeman": {
        "istoignore": false
    "BundlerAudit": {
        "istoignore": false
    "Flawfinder": {
        "istoignore": false
    "GitLeaks": {
        "istoignore": false
    "GoSec": {
        "istoignore": false
    "HorusecEngine": {
        "istoignore": false
    "MixAudit": {
        "istoignore": false
    "NpmAudit": {
        "istoignore": false
    "PhpCS": {
        "istoignore": false
    "Safety": {
        "istoignore": false
    "SecurityCodeScan": {
        "istoignore": false
    "Semgrep": {
        "istoignore": false
    "ShellCheck": {
        "istoignore": false
    "Sobelow": {
        "istoignore": false
    "TfSec": {
        "istoignore": false
    "YarnAudit": {
        "istoignore": false

Last modified August 24, 2021: Update links in documentation (c4fcc110)