
In this section, you will find more information about Horusec-Core service.

What is it?

Horusec-Core is responsible for the management of workspaces, repository, webhooks and access updates.


To run this service locally, you need:

  • PostgreSQL (with the applied migration)
  • RabbitMQ (only if you have the broker enabled)
  • Horusec-Auth
  • Golang


Step 1: Install dependencies:

go get ./...

Step 2: Run the service with the command below:

go run ./core/cmd/app/main.go 

It will return this log:

service running on port :8003
swagger running on url:  http://localhost:8003/swagger/index.html

Environment variables

These are the possible environment variables you can configure in this service:

Environment Name Default Value Description
HORUSEC_SWAGGER_HOST localhost This environment variable gets which host swagger will be available.
HORUSEC_DATABASE_SQL_URI postgresql://root:root@localhost:5432/horusec_db?sslmode=disable This environment variable gets the URI to connect to POSTGRES database.
HORUSEC_DATABASE_SQL_LOG_MODE false This environment variable gets the value to enable POSTGREs logs.
HORUSEC_PORT 8003 This environment variable gets the port the service will start.
HORUSEC_BROKER_HOST This environment variable gets the host to connect to the RABBITMQ broker.
HORUSEC_BROKER_PORT 5672 gets the port to connect to the RABBITMQ broker.
HORUSEC_BROKER_USERNAME guest This environment variable gets the name of the user to connect to the RABBITMQ broker.
HORUSEC_BROKER_PASSWORD guest This environment variable gets the password to connect to the RABBITMQ broker.
HORUSEC_GRPC_AUTH_URL localhost:8007 This environment variable gets the horusec-auth GRCP connection URL.
HORUSEC_GRPC_USE_CERTS false This environment variable gets if the GCRP certificate is active or not.
HORUSEC_GRPC_CERT_PATH This environment variable gets the GCRP certification path.
HORUSEC_MANAGER_URL This environment variable represents where horusec-manager is exposed. When you send an e-mail will be redirected to this link.

Last modified November 8, 2021: Added new updates (#131) (53cbb750)